
2347 Bugyi, Alsóráda puszta 13.
Hunland logó fehér

We will connect you! We provide a modern marketplace, as we are the link between animal breeders and traders!


2347 Bugyi, Alsóráda puszta 13.
+36 29 548 500

Maritime and air transport

Coordinated global supply chains

Maritime transport

Maritime transport plays a key role in Hunland’s global transportation activities. During our activities we always strive for both efficiency and animal welfare: our quality assurance policy is based on our special animal transportation fleet that meets high technical requirements.

Beside the technical staff, we always employ specially trained experts to assist during our maritime shipping operations. This type of intermodal transport option is always available to our partners.

Tengeri élőállat szállítmányozás - Hunland

Air transport

We always find the most optimal way to deliver the animals purchased by our customers as quickly and cost-efficiently as possible. In the case of certain destinations, air transport is the best choice.

We have excellent partnerships with reliable animal transport air charter specialists, whose professional care and commitment ensure the safest transport for all animal species. In order to minimize potential risks, animals are always accompanied by specially trained animal attendants during every flight. This type of intermodal transport option is always available to our partners.

Our mission
Hunland EST 1992
Hunland - Élőállat kereskedelem - Fenntarthatóság

We strive for sustainability

Hunland - Élőállat kereskedelem - Humánus állattartás

We treat animals with respect

Hunland - Emberi kapcsolatokat építünk

We build interpersonal connections

Hunland - Fejlődés

We aim at improving the sector and ourselves